Nishanth Bommineni

Candidate for President


My Manifesto

Hello…My name is Nishanth Bommineni I am running for the President of SUBU I am running because I have observed that the university has initiated its best to engage students to communicate and increase student networking though there is no similar response from the students. As the president of BU, I would make sure that every student engages with the co-curricular activities at the Uni, which would aid their CVs and careers. My Experience: I previously worked as the president of the innovative club in my degree college, where students proposed their ingenious ideas to shape their careers or add to the community. I being the president have approved quite a few ideas which involved start-up ideas, NGOs, various events and workshops. Key Campaign Points: If elected I will campaign on the Following things:

  1. Campaign Point 1-Me being an international student, has faced culture shock while I first arrived at BU. I want to make my fellow students overcome their fears of being at BU and make the university a pleasant place. I will achieve the aim of this through constantly communicating my ideas through the university podcasts-the Nerve media.
  2. Campaign Point 2-I see students coming up with innovative ideas to make their time at the university even more exciting. I will make sure these ideas take shape and progress to help the coming intakes.

This issue is important because university has become a place to study but not a place of innovation, I would like to change this perspective. I will achieve the aim by conducting workshops named ‘IGNITE 2k20’ where students propose their ideas and the best one gets approved. I would make sure that implementation happens right and these sessions are conducted every now and then. ThankYou NishanthBommineni +44744 85 30182